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Browse Prayer » Religion lord show me my path
Bronson Williams

Bronson Williams

Posted May 4, 2022 | 0 likes 0 comments 250 views | Religion

lord show me my path

The power of prayer

When things are tough and we don't know what to do, prayer is often the answer. Prayer is a powerful tool that we can use to connect with God. It's a way for us to express our feelings, ask for help, and give thanks. Prayer allows us to access the power of God, which can give us strength and guidance when we need it most. Prayer is a source of comfort and hope in difficult times, and it can help us stay focused on what's important.

the prayer

I know that you are there guiding me every step of the way
I need to but I don't know
what it is that you want me to do
Please show me the path
That you want me to take
I will follow your guidance
And I won't ever look back
I close my eyes and bow my head
The words of prayer flow from my lips
I need guidance on which path to take
Please show me the way
Lead me to what you want for me
And help me to find my true destiny

— funewgi