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This truth I seek, deep in my soul, A sense of peace that comforts whole.
My Lord and Savior up above,
I come to kneel in humble love.
In earnest prayer I cover all,
For strength to rise, for courage tall.
Your will I seek, wise and divine,
That with your grace all truth align.
When searching for the truth each day, A prayer is the one sure way;
To draw close to our heavenly Father
It's a gift that none can barter.
Through it, He imparts His grace and love,
Our hearts become opened like a dove;
The truth seems easier to see,
Seeking becomes much more fulfilling, don't you agree?
We may not have all the answers right away,
But in time with this practice you'll be able to sway;
So bow your head and start your plea,
For clarity through prayer you'll soon see.